Class ClippingHelper

  • public class ClippingHelper
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private double camX  
      private double camY  
      private double camZ  
      private Vector4f[] frustumData  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void calculateFrustum​(Matrix4f p_228956_1_, Matrix4f p_228956_2_)  
      private boolean cubeInFrustum​(double p_228953_1_, double p_228953_3_, double p_228953_5_, double p_228953_7_, double p_228953_9_, double p_228953_11_)  
      private boolean cubeInFrustum​(float p_228954_1_, float p_228954_2_, float p_228954_3_, float p_228954_4_, float p_228954_5_, float p_228954_6_)  
      private void getPlane​(Matrix4f p_228955_1_, int p_228955_2_, int p_228955_3_, int p_228955_4_, int p_228955_5_)  
      boolean isVisible​(AxisAlignedBB p_228957_1_)  
      void prepare​(double p_228952_1_, double p_228952_3_, double p_228952_5_)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • frustumData

        private final Vector4f[] frustumData
      • camX

        private double camX
      • camY

        private double camY
      • camZ

        private double camZ
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClippingHelper

        public ClippingHelper​(Matrix4f p_i226026_1_,
                              Matrix4f p_i226026_2_)
    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        public void prepare​(double p_228952_1_,
                            double p_228952_3_,
                            double p_228952_5_)
      • calculateFrustum

        private void calculateFrustum​(Matrix4f p_228956_1_,
                                      Matrix4f p_228956_2_)
      • getPlane

        private void getPlane​(Matrix4f p_228955_1_,
                              int p_228955_2_,
                              int p_228955_3_,
                              int p_228955_4_,
                              int p_228955_5_)
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible​(AxisAlignedBB p_228957_1_)
      • cubeInFrustum

        private boolean cubeInFrustum​(double p_228953_1_,
                                      double p_228953_3_,
                                      double p_228953_5_,
                                      double p_228953_7_,
                                      double p_228953_9_,
                                      double p_228953_11_)
      • cubeInFrustum

        private boolean cubeInFrustum​(float p_228954_1_,
                                      float p_228954_2_,
                                      float p_228954_3_,
                                      float p_228954_4_,
                                      float p_228954_5_,
                                      float p_228954_6_)