Class ModelDataMap

    • Field Detail

      • backingMap

        private final java.util.Map<ModelProperty<?>,​java.lang.Object> backingMap
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelDataMap

        private ModelDataMap​(java.util.Map<ModelProperty<?>,​java.lang.Object> map)
      • ModelDataMap

        protected ModelDataMap()
    • Method Detail

      • hasProperty

        public boolean hasProperty​(ModelProperty<?> prop)
        Description copied from interface: IModelData
        Check if this data has a property, even if the value is null. Can be used by code that intends to fill in data for a render pipeline, such as the forge animation system.

        IMPORTANT: IModelData.getData(ModelProperty) can return null even if this method returns true.

        Specified by:
        hasProperty in interface IModelData
        prop - The property to check for inclusion in this model data
        true if this data has the given property, even if no value is present