Class GlobalLootModifiersTest.DungeonLootEnhancerModifier

    • Field Detail

      • multiplicationFactor

        private final int multiplicationFactor
    • Constructor Detail

      • DungeonLootEnhancerModifier

        public DungeonLootEnhancerModifier​(ILootCondition[] conditionsIn,
                                           int multiplicationFactor)
      • DungeonLootEnhancerModifier

        public DungeonLootEnhancerModifier​(ILootCondition[] conditionsIn)
    • Method Detail

      • doApply

        protected java.util.List<ItemStack> doApply​(java.util.List<ItemStack> generatedLoot,
                                                    LootContext context)
        Description copied from class: LootModifier
        Applies the modifier to the generated loot (all loot conditions have already been checked and have returned true).
        Specified by:
        doApply in class LootModifier
        generatedLoot - the list of ItemStacks that will be dropped, generated by loot tables
        context - the LootContext, identical to what is passed to loot tables
        modified loot drops