Class SimpleRenderable

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleRenderable extends Object implements IRenderable<MultipartTransforms>
Implements a simple renderable consisting of a hierarchy of parts, where each part can contain a number of meshes. Each mesh pairs a texture, with a set of quads.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleRenderable

      private SimpleRenderable()
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static SimpleRenderable.Builder builder()
    • render

      public void render(PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, Function<ResourceLocation,RenderType> renderTypeFunction, int lightmapCoord, int overlayCoord, float partialTicks, MultipartTransforms renderValues)
      Description copied from interface: IRenderable
      Draws the renderable by adding the geometry to the provided MultiBufferSource
      Specified by:
      render in interface IRenderable<MultipartTransforms>
      poseStack - the pose stack
      bufferSource - the target buffer source to dump the data into
      renderTypeFunction - a function that provides a RenderType for the given texture
      lightmapCoord - the lightmap coordinates representing the current lighting conditions. See LightTexture
      overlayCoord - the overlay coordinates representing the current overlay status. See OverlayTexture
      partialTicks - the current time expressed in the fraction of a tick elapsed since the last client tick.
      renderValues - the context data used for rendering