Class ClientChatReceivedEvent

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ClientChatReceivedEvent extends net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event
Fired when a chat message is received on the client. This can be used for filtering and detecting messages with specific words or phrases, and suppressing them.

This event is cancellable, and does not have a result. If the event is cancelled, the message is not displayed in the chat message window.

This event is fired on the main Forge event bus, only on the logical client.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      public Component getMessage()
      Returns the message that will be displayed in the chat message window, if the event is not cancelled.
      the message that will be displayed in the chat message window, if the event is not cancelled
    • setMessage

      public void setMessage(Component message)
      Sets the new message to be displayed in the chat message window, if the event is not cancelled.
      message - the new message to be displayed
    • getBoundChatType

      public ChatType.Bound getBoundChatType()
      Returns the bound chat type of the chat message.. This contains the chat type, display name of the sender, and nullable target name depending on the chat type.
      the bound chat type of the chat message
    • getPlayerChatMessage

      public PlayerChatMessage getPlayerChatMessage()
      Returns the full player chat message.. This contains the sender UUID, various signing data, and the optional unsigned contents.
      the full player chat message
    • getMessageSigner

      public MessageSigner getMessageSigner()
      Returns the message signer.. This contains the sender UUID, timestamp of message creation, and signature salt. The sender UUID will be Util.NIL_UUID if the message is a system message.
      the message signer
    • isSystem

      public boolean isSystem()
      Returns true if the message was sent by the system, false otherwise.
      true if the message was sent by the system, false otherwise