Interface IForgePotion

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IForgePotion
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    allowedInCreativeTab(Item item, CreativeModeTab tab, boolean isDefaultTab)
    Determines what creative tabs this potion's variant of a potion-related item (e.g.
    default boolean
    Determines whether the potion bottle item should be enchanted.
    private Potion
  • Method Details

    • self

      private Potion self()
    • allowedInCreativeTab

      default boolean allowedInCreativeTab(Item item, CreativeModeTab tab, boolean isDefaultTab)
      Determines what creative tabs this potion's variant of a potion-related item (e.g. bottles, tipped arrows) should appear in.
      item - The item being added to a creative tab
      tab - The creative tab that items are being added to
      isDefaultTab - whether the tab is the default tab for this item (e.g. Brewing for bottles, Combat for tipped arrows)
      whether the given Item's variant for this enchantment should appear in the respective creative tab
    • isFoil

      default boolean isFoil(ItemStack stack)
      Determines whether the potion bottle item should be enchanted. Not called for tipped arrows or if the item is already enchanted.
      stack - The potion bottle
      whether the item should appear enchanted.