Interface IForgeRawTagBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IForgeRawTagBuilder
  • Method Details

    • getRawBuilder

      default TagBuilder getRawBuilder()
    • serializeTagAdditions

      default void serializeTagAdditions( tagJson)
      internal, called when a raw builder is written to json to add forge additions (e.g. the remove list)
    • remove

      default TagBuilder remove(TagEntry tagEntry, String source)
      Adds a tag entry to the remove list.
      tagEntry - The tag entry to add to the remove list
      source - The source of the caller for logging purposes (generally a modid)
      The builder for chaining purposes
    • removeElement

      default TagBuilder removeElement(ResourceLocation elementID, String source)
      Adds a single-element entry to the remove list.
      elementID - The ID of the element to add to the remove list
      source - The source of the caller for logging purposes (generally a modid)
      The builder for chaining purposes
    • removeTag

      default TagBuilder removeTag(ResourceLocation tagID, String source)
      Adds a tag to the remove list.
      tagID - The ID of the tag to add to the remove list
      source - The source of the caller for logging purposes (generally a modid)
      The builder for chaining purposes