Uses of Class
Packages that use FluidActionResult
Uses of FluidActionResult in net.minecraftforge.fluids
Fields in net.minecraftforge.fluids declared as FluidActionResultMethods in net.minecraftforge.fluids that return FluidActionResultModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@NotNull ItemStack container, IFluidHandler fluidDestination, int maxAmount, @Nullable Player player, boolean doDrain) Takes a filled container and tries to empty it into the given tank.static @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@NotNull ItemStack container, IFluidHandler fluidDestination, IItemHandler inventory, int maxAmount, @Nullable Player player, boolean doDrain) Takes an Fluid Container Item, tries to empty it into the fluid handler, and stows it in the given inventory.static @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@NotNull ItemStack container, IFluidHandler fluidSource, int maxAmount, @Nullable Player player, boolean doFill) Fill a container from the given fluidSource.static @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@NotNull ItemStack container, IFluidHandler fluidSource, IItemHandler inventory, int maxAmount, @Nullable Player player, boolean doFill) Takes an Fluid Container Item and tries to fill it from the given tank.static @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@NotNull ItemStack emptyContainer, @Nullable Player playerIn, Level level, BlockPos pos, Direction side) Attempts to pick up a fluid in the level and put it in an empty container item.static @NotNull FluidActionResult
(@Nullable Player player, Level level, InteractionHand hand, BlockPos pos, @NotNull ItemStack container, FluidStack resource)