Class CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent

Direct Known Subclasses:
CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent.BossEventProgress, CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent.Chat, CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent.DebugText

public abstract class CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent extends net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event
Fired when an overlay is about to be rendered to the screen to allow the user to modify it.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • window

      private final Window window
    • poseStack

      private final PoseStack poseStack
    • partialTick

      private final float partialTick
  • Constructor Details

    • CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent

      @Internal protected CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent(Window window, PoseStack poseStack, float partialTick)
  • Method Details

    • getWindow

      public Window getWindow()
    • getPoseStack

      public PoseStack getPoseStack()
    • getPartialTick

      public float getPartialTick()