Class VanillaHopperItemHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
IItemHandler, IItemHandlerModifiable

public class VanillaHopperItemHandler extends InvWrapper
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • VanillaHopperItemHandler

      public VanillaHopperItemHandler(HopperBlockEntity hopper)
  • Method Details

    • insertItem

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack insertItem(int slot, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack stack, boolean simulate)
      Description copied from interface: IItemHandler

      Inserts an ItemStack into the given slot and return the remainder. The ItemStack should not be modified in this function!

      Note: This behaviour is subtly different from IFluidHandler.fill(FluidStack, IFluidHandler.FluidAction)
      Specified by:
      insertItem in interface IItemHandler
      insertItem in class InvWrapper
      slot - Slot to insert into.
      stack - ItemStack to insert. This must not be modified by the item handler.
      simulate - If true, the insertion is only simulated
      The remaining ItemStack that was not inserted (if the entire stack is accepted, then return an empty ItemStack). May be the same as the input ItemStack if unchanged, otherwise a new ItemStack. The returned ItemStack can be safely modified after.