Package net.neoforged.neoforge.client
package net.neoforged.neoforge.client
ClassDescriptionAn immutable ordered set (not implementing
) of chunk render types.overrides forCommandSourceStack
so that the methods will run successfully client sideClass for various client-side-only hooks.A version ofTooltipFlag
that knows about Screen and can provide modifier key states.Manager for customColorResolver
instances, collected viaRegisterColorHandlersEvent.ColorResolvers
.Manager forDimensionSpecialEffects
instances.Manager for entity spectator mode shaders.Keeps track of custom firework shape types, because Particle is client side only this can't be on the Shape itself.Backup of the OpenGL render state, for use in GUI rendering that needs to be able to go back to the previous render state after calling third-party renderers which may apply arbitrary modifications to the render state.An ArmPose that can be defined by the user.An ItemDecorator that is used to render something on specific items, when the DurabilityBar and StackCount is rendered.Manager for namedrender types
.Manager forrecipe book types
.A set of functionally equivalent shaders.Provides helper functions replacing those inItemBlockRenderTypes