Enum Orientation

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ROT_180_FACE_XY

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_FACE_XY
      • ROT_180_FACE_XZ

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_FACE_XZ
      • ROT_180_FACE_YZ

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_FACE_YZ
      • ROT_120_NNN

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_NNN
      • ROT_120_NNP

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_NNP
      • ROT_120_NPN

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_NPN
      • ROT_120_NPP

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_NPP
      • ROT_120_PNN

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_PNN
      • ROT_120_PNP

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_PNP
      • ROT_120_PPN

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_PPN
      • ROT_120_PPP

        public static final Orientation ROT_120_PPP
      • ROT_180_EDGE_XY_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_XY_NEG
      • ROT_180_EDGE_XY_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_XY_POS
      • ROT_180_EDGE_XZ_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_XZ_NEG
      • ROT_180_EDGE_XZ_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_XZ_POS
      • ROT_180_EDGE_YZ_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_YZ_NEG
      • ROT_180_EDGE_YZ_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_180_EDGE_YZ_POS
      • ROT_90_X_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_X_NEG
      • ROT_90_X_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_X_POS
      • ROT_90_Y_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_Y_NEG
      • ROT_90_Y_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_Y_POS
      • ROT_90_Z_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_Z_NEG
      • ROT_90_Z_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_Z_POS
      • ROT_60_REF_NNN

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_NNN
      • ROT_60_REF_NNP

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_NNP
      • ROT_60_REF_NPN

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_NPN
      • ROT_60_REF_NPP

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_NPP
      • ROT_60_REF_PNN

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_PNN
      • ROT_60_REF_PNP

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_PNP
      • ROT_60_REF_PPN

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_PPN
      • ROT_60_REF_PPP

        public static final Orientation ROT_60_REF_PPP
      • SWAP_NEG_XY

        public static final Orientation SWAP_NEG_XY
      • SWAP_NEG_YZ

        public static final Orientation SWAP_NEG_YZ
      • SWAP_NEG_XZ

        public static final Orientation SWAP_NEG_XZ
      • ROT_90_REF_X_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_X_NEG
      • ROT_90_REF_X_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_X_POS
      • ROT_90_REF_Y_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_Y_NEG
      • ROT_90_REF_Y_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_Y_POS
      • ROT_90_REF_Z_NEG

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_Z_NEG
      • ROT_90_REF_Z_POS

        public static final Orientation ROT_90_REF_Z_POS
    • Field Detail

      • transformation

        private final Matrix3f transformation
      • name

        private final java.lang.String name
      • rotatedDirections

        private java.util.Map<Direction,​Direction> rotatedDirections
      • invertX

        private final boolean invertX
      • invertY

        private final boolean invertY
      • invertZ

        private final boolean invertZ
      • cayleyTable

        private static final Orientation[][] cayleyTable
      • inverseTable

        private static final Orientation[] inverseTable
    • Constructor Detail

      • Orientation

        private Orientation​(java.lang.String p_i231784_3_,
                            TriplePermutation p_i231784_4_,
                            boolean p_i231784_5_,
                            boolean p_i231784_6_,
                            boolean p_i231784_7_)
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Orientation[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Orientation c : Orientation.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Orientation valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • packInversions

        private it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanList packInversions()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Enum<Orientation>