Class EntityViewRenderEvent.FogColors

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class EntityViewRenderEvent.FogColors
    extends EntityViewRenderEvent
    Event that allows any feature to customize the color of fog the player sees. NOTE: Any change made to one of the color variables will affect the result seen in-game.
    • Field Detail

      • red

        private float red
      • green

        private float green
      • blue

        private float blue
    • Constructor Detail

      • FogColors

        public FogColors​(ActiveRenderInfo info,
                         float partialTicks,
                         float red,
                         float green,
                         float blue)
    • Method Detail

      • getRed

        public float getRed()
      • setRed

        public void setRed​(float red)
      • getGreen

        public float getGreen()
      • setGreen

        public void setGreen​(float green)
      • getBlue

        public float getBlue()
      • setBlue

        public void setBlue​(float blue)