Class JsonCodecProvider<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of thing being generated.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JsonCodecProvider<T> extends Object implements DataProvider

Dataprovider for using a Codec to generate jsons. Path names for jsons are derived from the given registry folder and each entry's namespaced id, in the format:

  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
    • dataGenerator

      protected final DataGenerator dataGenerator
    • existingFileHelper

      protected final ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper
    • modid

      protected final String modid
    • dynamicOps

      protected final com.mojang.serialization.DynamicOps<> dynamicOps
    • packType

      protected final PackType packType
    • directory

      protected final String directory
    • codec

      protected final com.mojang.serialization.Codec<T> codec
    • entries

      protected final Map<ResourceLocation,T> entries
    • conditions

      protected Map<ResourceLocation,ICondition[]> conditions
  • Constructor Details

    • JsonCodecProvider

      public JsonCodecProvider(DataGenerator dataGenerator, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper, String modid, com.mojang.serialization.DynamicOps<> dynamicOps, PackType packType, String directory, com.mojang.serialization.Codec<T> codec, Map<ResourceLocation,T> entries)
      dataGenerator - DataGenerator provided by GatherDataEvent.
      dynamicOps - DynamicOps to encode values to jsons with using the provided Codec, e.g. JsonOps.INSTANCE.
      packType - PackType specifying whether to generate entries in assets or data.
      directory - String representing the directory to generate jsons in, e.g. "dimension" or "cheesemod/cheese".
      codec - Codec to encode values to jsons with using the provided DynamicOps.
      entries - Map of named entries to serialize to jsons. Paths for values are derived from the ResourceLocation's entryid:entrypath as specified above.
  • Method Details

    • forDatapackRegistry

      public static <T> JsonCodecProvider<T> forDatapackRegistry(DataGenerator dataGenerator, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper, String modid, RegistryOps<> registryOps, ResourceKey<Registry<T>> registryKey, Map<ResourceLocation,T> entries)
      Returns DatapackRegistryProvider that encodes using the registered loading codec for the provided registry key. Ensures the correct directory and codec are used. Only vanilla datapack registries enumerated in RegistryAccess and custom forge datapack registries can be generated this way.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Registry element type, e.g. Biome
      dataGenerator - DataGenerator provided by GatherDataEvent.
      modid - namespace of the mod adding this DataProvider, for logging purposes.
      registryOps - RegistryOps to encode values to json with.
      registryKey - ResourceKey identifying the registry and its directory.
      entries - Map of entries to encode and their ResourceLocations. Paths for values are derived from the ResourceLocation's entryid:entrypath.
      DatapackRegistryProvider that encodes using the registered loading codec for the provided registry key
    • run

      public void run(CachedOutput cache) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      run in interface DataProvider
    • gather

      protected void gather(BiConsumer<ResourceLocation,T> consumer)
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface DataProvider
    • setConditions

      public JsonCodecProvider<T> setConditions(Map<ResourceLocation,ICondition[]> conditions)
      Applies a condition map to this provider. These conditions will be applied to the created JsonElements with the matching names. Null or empty arrays will not be written, and if the top-level json type is not JsonObject, attempting to add conditions will error.
      conditions - The name->condition map to apply.