Class ForgeHooksClient


@Internal public class ForgeHooksClient extends Object
  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      private static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger LOGGER

      private static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker CLIENTHOOKS
    • guiLayers

      private static final Stack<Screen> guiLayers
      Contains the *extra* GUI layers. The current top layer stays in Minecraft#currentScreen, and the rest serve as a background for it.
    • forgeStatusLine

      public static String forgeStatusLine
    • slotMainHand

      private static int slotMainHand
    • layerDefinitions

      private static final Map<ModelLayerLocation,Supplier<LayerDefinition>> layerDefinitions

      private static final ResourceLocation ICON_SHEET

      private static final ChatTypeDecoration SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE_DECORATION

      private static final ChatType SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE

      private static final ChatType.Bound SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE_BOUND
    • initializedClientHooks

      private static boolean initializedClientHooks
  • Constructor Details

    • ForgeHooksClient

      public ForgeHooksClient()
  • Method Details

    • resizeGuiLayers

      public static void resizeGuiLayers(Minecraft minecraft, int width, int height)
    • clearGuiLayers

      public static void clearGuiLayers(Minecraft minecraft)
    • popGuiLayerInternal

      private static void popGuiLayerInternal(Minecraft minecraft)
    • pushGuiLayer

      public static void pushGuiLayer(Minecraft minecraft, Screen screen)
    • popGuiLayer

      public static void popGuiLayer(Minecraft minecraft)
    • getGuiFarPlane

      public static float getGuiFarPlane()
    • getArmorTexture

      public static String getArmorTexture(Entity entity, ItemStack armor, String _default, EquipmentSlot slot, String type)
    • onDrawHighlight

      public static boolean onDrawHighlight(LevelRenderer context, Camera camera, HitResult target, float partialTick, PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource bufferSource)
    • dispatchRenderStage

      public static void dispatchRenderStage(RenderLevelStageEvent.Stage stage, LevelRenderer levelRenderer, PoseStack poseStack, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix, int renderTick, Camera camera, Frustum frustum)
    • dispatchRenderStage

      public static void dispatchRenderStage(RenderType renderType, LevelRenderer levelRenderer, PoseStack poseStack, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix, int renderTick, Camera camera, Frustum frustum)
    • renderSpecificFirstPersonHand

      public static boolean renderSpecificFirstPersonHand(InteractionHand hand, PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, int packedLight, float partialTick, float interpPitch, float swingProgress, float equipProgress, ItemStack stack)
    • renderSpecificFirstPersonArm

      public static boolean renderSpecificFirstPersonArm(PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource multiBufferSource, int packedLight, AbstractClientPlayer player, HumanoidArm arm)
    • onTextureStitchedPost

      public static void onTextureStitchedPost(TextureAtlas map)
    • onBlockColorsInit

      public static void onBlockColorsInit(BlockColors blockColors)
    • onItemColorsInit

      public static void onItemColorsInit(ItemColors itemColors, BlockColors blockColors)
    • getArmorModel

      public static Model getArmorModel(LivingEntity entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack, EquipmentSlot slot, HumanoidModel<?> _default)
    • copyModelProperties

      public static <T extends LivingEntity> void copyModelProperties(HumanoidModel<T> original, HumanoidModel<?> replacement)
      Copies humanoid model properties from the original model to another, used for armor models
    • fixDomain

      public static String fixDomain(String base, String complex)
    • getFieldOfViewModifier

      public static float getFieldOfViewModifier(Player entity, float fovModifier)
    • getFieldOfView

      public static double getFieldOfView(GameRenderer renderer, Camera camera, double partialTick, double fov, boolean usedConfiguredFov)
    • renderMainMenu

      public static void renderMainMenu(TitleScreen gui, GuiGraphics guiGraphics, Font font, int width, int height, int alpha)
    • playSound

      @Nullable public static @Nullable SoundInstance playSound(SoundEngine manager, SoundInstance sound)
    • drawScreen

      public static void drawScreen(Screen screen, GuiGraphics guiGraphics, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTick)
    • drawScreenInternal

      private static void drawScreenInternal(Screen screen, GuiGraphics guiGraphics, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTick)
    • getFogColor

      public static org.joml.Vector3f getFogColor(Camera camera, float partialTick, ClientLevel level, int renderDistance, float darkenWorldAmount, float fogRed, float fogGreen, float fogBlue)
    • onFogRender

      public static void onFogRender(FogRenderer.FogMode mode, FogType type, Camera camera, float partialTick, float renderDistance, float nearDistance, float farDistance, FogShape shape)
    • onCameraSetup

      public static ViewportEvent.ComputeCameraAngles onCameraSetup(GameRenderer renderer, Camera camera, float partial)
    • onModifyBakingResult

      public static void onModifyBakingResult(Map<ResourceLocation,BakedModel> models, ModelBakery modelBakery)
    • onModelBake

      public static void onModelBake(ModelManager modelManager, Map<ResourceLocation,BakedModel> models, ModelBakery modelBakery)
    • handleCameraTransforms

      public static BakedModel handleCameraTransforms(PoseStack poseStack, BakedModel model, ItemDisplayContext cameraTransformType, boolean applyLeftHandTransform)
    • getFluidSprites

      public static TextureAtlasSprite[] getFluidSprites(BlockAndTintGetter level, BlockPos pos, FluidState fluidStateIn)
    • getBlockMaterial

      public static Material getBlockMaterial(ResourceLocation loc)
    • fillNormal

      public static void fillNormal(int[] faceData, Direction facing)
    • fillNormal

      public static void fillNormal(int[] faceData, Direction facing, boolean calculateNormals)
      internal, relies on fixed format of FaceBakery
    • getVertexPos

      private static org.joml.Vector3f getVertexPos(int[] data, int vertex)
    • calculateFaceWithoutAO

      public static boolean calculateFaceWithoutAO(BlockAndTintGetter getter, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, BakedQuad quad, boolean isFaceCubic, float[] brightness, int[] lightmap)
    • loadEntityShader

      public static void loadEntityShader(Entity entity, GameRenderer entityRenderer)
    • shouldCauseReequipAnimation

      public static boolean shouldCauseReequipAnimation(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack from, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack to, int slot)
    • onCustomizeBossEventProgress

      public static CustomizeGuiOverlayEvent.BossEventProgress onCustomizeBossEventProgress(GuiGraphics guiGraphics, Window window, LerpingBossEvent bossInfo, int x, int y, int increment)
    • onScreenshot

      public static ScreenshotEvent onScreenshot(NativeImage image, File screenshotFile)
    • onClientChangeGameType

      public static void onClientChangeGameType(PlayerInfo info, GameType currentGameMode, GameType newGameMode)
    • onMovementInputUpdate

      public static void onMovementInputUpdate(Player player, Input movementInput)
    • onScreenMouseClickedPre

      public static boolean onScreenMouseClickedPre(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int button)
    • onScreenMouseClickedPost

      public static boolean onScreenMouseClickedPost(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int button, boolean handled)
    • onScreenMouseReleasedPre

      public static boolean onScreenMouseReleasedPre(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int button)
    • onScreenMouseReleasedPost

      public static boolean onScreenMouseReleasedPost(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int button, boolean handled)
    • onScreenMouseDragPre

      public static boolean onScreenMouseDragPre(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int mouseButton, double dragX, double dragY)
    • onScreenMouseDragPost

      public static void onScreenMouseDragPost(Screen guiScreen, double mouseX, double mouseY, int mouseButton, double dragX, double dragY)
    • onScreenMouseScrollPre

      public static boolean onScreenMouseScrollPre(MouseHandler mouseHelper, Screen guiScreen, double scrollDelta)
    • onScreenMouseScrollPost

      public static void onScreenMouseScrollPost(MouseHandler mouseHelper, Screen guiScreen, double scrollDelta)
    • onScreenKeyPressedPre

      public static boolean onScreenKeyPressedPre(Screen guiScreen, int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers)
    • onScreenKeyPressedPost

      public static boolean onScreenKeyPressedPost(Screen guiScreen, int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers)
    • onScreenKeyReleasedPre

      public static boolean onScreenKeyReleasedPre(Screen guiScreen, int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers)
    • onScreenKeyReleasedPost

      public static boolean onScreenKeyReleasedPost(Screen guiScreen, int keyCode, int scanCode, int modifiers)
    • onScreenCharTypedPre

      public static boolean onScreenCharTypedPre(Screen guiScreen, char codePoint, int modifiers)
    • onScreenCharTypedPost

      public static void onScreenCharTypedPost(Screen guiScreen, char codePoint, int modifiers)
    • onRecipesUpdated

      public static void onRecipesUpdated(RecipeManager mgr)
    • onMouseButtonPre

      public static boolean onMouseButtonPre(int button, int action, int mods)
    • onMouseButtonPost

      public static void onMouseButtonPost(int button, int action, int mods)
    • onMouseScroll

      public static boolean onMouseScroll(MouseHandler mouseHelper, double scrollDelta)
    • onKeyInput

      public static void onKeyInput(int key, int scanCode, int action, int modifiers)
    • onClickInput

      public static InputEvent.InteractionKeyMappingTriggered onClickInput(int button, KeyMapping keyBinding, InteractionHand hand)
    • isNameplateInRenderDistance

      public static boolean isNameplateInRenderDistance(Entity entity, double squareDistance)
    • renderPistonMovedBlocks

      public static void renderPistonMovedBlocks(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, PoseStack stack, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, Level level, boolean checkSides, int packedOverlay, BlockRenderDispatcher blockRenderer)
    • shouldRenderEffect

      public static boolean shouldRenderEffect(MobEffectInstance effectInstance)
    • loadSpriteContents

      @Nullable public static @Nullable SpriteContents loadSpriteContents(ResourceLocation name, Resource resource, FrameSize frameSize, NativeImage image, AnimationMetadataSection animationMeta)
    • loadTextureAtlasSprite

      @Nullable public static @Nullable TextureAtlasSprite loadTextureAtlasSprite(ResourceLocation atlasName, SpriteContents contents, int atlasWidth, int atlasHeight, int spriteX, int spriteY, int mipmapLevel)
    • registerLayerDefinition

      public static void registerLayerDefinition(ModelLayerLocation layerLocation, Supplier<LayerDefinition> supplier)
    • loadLayerDefinitions

      public static void loadLayerDefinitions(<ModelLayerLocation,LayerDefinition> builder)
    • processForgeListPingData

      public static void processForgeListPingData(ServerStatus packet, ServerData target)
    • drawForgePingInfo

      public static void drawForgePingInfo(JoinMultiplayerScreen gui, ServerData target, GuiGraphics guiGraphics, int x, int y, int width, int relativeMouseX, int relativeMouseY)
    • getClientConnection

      private static Connection getClientConnection()
    • handleClientLevelClosing

      public static void handleClientLevelClosing(ClientLevel level)
    • firePlayerLogin

      public static void firePlayerLogin(MultiPlayerGameMode pc, LocalPlayer player, Connection networkManager)
    • firePlayerLogout

      public static void firePlayerLogout(@Nullable @Nullable MultiPlayerGameMode pc, @Nullable @Nullable LocalPlayer player)
    • firePlayerRespawn

      public static void firePlayerRespawn(MultiPlayerGameMode pc, LocalPlayer oldPlayer, LocalPlayer newPlayer, Connection networkManager)
    • onRegisterParticleProviders

      public static void onRegisterParticleProviders(ParticleEngine particleEngine)
    • onRegisterKeyMappings

      public static void onRegisterKeyMappings(Options options)
    • onRegisterAdditionalModels

      public static void onRegisterAdditionalModels(Set<ResourceLocation> additionalModels)
    • onClientChat

      @Nullable public static @Nullable Component onClientChat(ChatType.Bound boundChatType, Component message, UUID sender)
    • onClientPlayerChat

      @Nullable public static @Nullable Component onClientPlayerChat(ChatType.Bound boundChatType, Component message, PlayerChatMessage playerChatMessage, UUID sender)
    • onClientSystemChat

      @Nullable public static @Nullable Component onClientSystemChat(Component message, boolean overlay)
    • onClientSendMessage

      @NotNull public static @NotNull String onClientSendMessage(String message)
    • getEntityRenderType

      @NotNull public static @NotNull RenderType getEntityRenderType(RenderType chunkRenderType, boolean cull)
    • getTooltipFont

      public static Font getTooltipFont(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack stack, Font fallbackFont)
    • onRenderTooltipPre

      public static RenderTooltipEvent.Pre onRenderTooltipPre(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack stack, GuiGraphics graphics, int x, int y, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, @NotNull @NotNull List<ClientTooltipComponent> components, @NotNull @NotNull Font fallbackFont, @NotNull @NotNull ClientTooltipPositioner positioner)
    • onRenderTooltipColor

      public static RenderTooltipEvent.Color onRenderTooltipColor(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack stack, GuiGraphics graphics, int x, int y, @NotNull @NotNull Font font, @NotNull @NotNull List<ClientTooltipComponent> components)
    • gatherTooltipComponents

      public static List<ClientTooltipComponent> gatherTooltipComponents(ItemStack stack, List<? extends FormattedText> textElements, int mouseX, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Font fallbackFont)
    • gatherTooltipComponents

      public static List<ClientTooltipComponent> gatherTooltipComponents(ItemStack stack, List<? extends FormattedText> textElements, Optional<TooltipComponent> itemComponent, int mouseX, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Font fallbackFont)
    • splitLine

      private static Stream<ClientTooltipComponent> splitLine(FormattedText text, Font font, int maxWidth)
    • makeParticleRenderTypeComparator

      public static Comparator<ParticleRenderType> makeParticleRenderTypeComparator(List<ParticleRenderType> renderOrder)
    • onScreenPotionSize

      public static ScreenEvent.RenderInventoryMobEffects onScreenPotionSize(Screen screen, int availableSpace, boolean compact, int horizontalOffset)
    • onToastAdd

      public static boolean onToastAdd(Toast toast)
    • isBlockInSolidLayer

      public static boolean isBlockInSolidLayer(BlockState state)
    • createWorldConfirmationScreen

      public static void createWorldConfirmationScreen(Runnable doConfirmedWorldLoad)
    • renderFireOverlay

      public static boolean renderFireOverlay(Player player, PoseStack mat)
    • renderWaterOverlay

      public static boolean renderWaterOverlay(Player player, PoseStack mat)
    • renderBlockOverlay

      public static boolean renderBlockOverlay(Player player, PoseStack mat, RenderBlockScreenEffectEvent.OverlayType type, BlockState block, BlockPos pos)
    • getMaxMipmapLevel

      public static int getMaxMipmapLevel(int width, int height)
    • getShaderImportLocation

      public static ResourceLocation getShaderImportLocation(String basePath, boolean isRelative, String importPath)
    • onCreativeModeTabBuildContents

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="1.20.1") public static void onCreativeModeTabBuildContents(CreativeModeTab tab, ResourceKey<CreativeModeTab> tabKey, CreativeModeTab.DisplayItemsGenerator originalGenerator, CreativeModeTab.ItemDisplayParameters params, CreativeModeTab.Output output)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    • getNearestStable

      public static Direction getNearestStable(float nX, float nY, float nZ)
      This function is a clone of Direction.getNearest(float, float, float) designed to return a consistent direction when the normal is at an inflection point (ie 45 degrees) rounding errors from associated matrix multiplication (such as during SheetedDecalTextureGenerator.endVertex() can cause the direction chosen to be unstable. The function will only take effect if the Forge Client config option "stabilizeDirectionGetNearest" is enabled. This is a port of the downstream changes from PR #26
      nX - X component of the normal
      nY - Y component of the normal
      nZ - Z component of the normal
      the nearest Direction to the passed in normal, biased slightly in favor of the order of declaration
    • initClientHooks

      @Internal public static void initClientHooks(Minecraft mc, ReloadableResourceManager resourceManager)