Uses of Class

Packages that use LevelEvent
  • Uses of LevelEvent in net.minecraftforge.event.level

    Modifier and Type
    ChunkDataEvent is fired when an event involving chunk data occurs.
    If a method utilizes this Event as its parameter, the method will receive every child event of this class. contains the NBTTagCompound containing the chunk data for this event.

    All children of this event are fired on the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.
    static class 
    ChunkDataEvent.Load is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to load Chunk data.
    This event is fired during chunk loading in, PoiManager, ChunkPos, CompoundTag) which means it is async, so be careful.

    This event is not Cancelable.

    This event does not have a result.
    static class 
    ChunkDataEvent.Save is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to save Chunk data.
    This event is fired during chunk saving in ChunkMap#save(ChunkAccess).
    ChunkEvent is fired when an event involving a chunk occurs.
    If a method utilizes this Event as its parameter, the method will receive every child event of this class.

    ChunkEvent.chunk contains the Chunk this event is affecting.

    All children of this event are fired on the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.
    static class 
    ChunkEvent.Load is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to load a Chunk into the level.
    This event is fired during chunk loading in
    static class 
    ChunkEvent.Unload is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to unload a Chunk from the level.
    This event is fired during chunk unloading in
    static class 
    This event fires whenever a ServerLevel is initialized for the first time and a spawn position needs to be chosen.
    static class 
    This event is fired whenever a level loads.
    static class 
    Fired when building a list of all possible entities that can spawn at the specified location.
    static class 
    This event fires whenever a level is saved.
    static class 
    This event is fired whenever a level unloads.
    This event is fired whenever a sapling, fungus, mushroom or azalea grows into a tree.
    This event is fired when all players are asleep and the time should be set to day.
    setWakeUpTime(wakeUpTime) sets a new time that will be added to the dayTime.