Uses of Class
Packages that use Stat
Uses of Stat in net.minecraft.advancements.critereon
Fields in net.minecraft.advancements.critereon with type parameters of type StatModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionPlayerPredicate.StatMatcher.stat
The field for thestat
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.advancements.critereon that return types with arguments of type StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerPredicate.StatMatcher.stat()
Returns the value of thestat
record component.Constructor parameters in net.minecraft.advancements.critereon with type arguments of type StatModifierConstructorDescription(package private)
(StatType<T> type, Holder<T> value, MinMaxBounds.Ints range, Supplier<Stat<T>> stat) Creates an instance of aStatMatcher
record class. -
Uses of Stat in net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.achievement
Fields in net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.achievement declared as StatModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Stat
<ResourceLocation> StatsScreen.GeneralStatisticsList.Entry.stat
Methods in net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.achievement with parameters of type StatModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) static String
(Stat<ResourceLocation> p_96947_) protected void
(GuiGraphics p_282544_, Stat<?> p_97093_, int p_97094_, int p_97095_, boolean p_97096_) Constructors in net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.achievement with parameters of type Stat -
Uses of Stat in
Fields in with type parameters of type StatModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final StreamCodec
<RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Stat<?>>> ClientboundAwardStatsPacket.STAT_VALUES_STREAM_CODEC
private final it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap
<Stat<?>> ClientboundAwardStatsPacket.stats
The field for thestats
record component.Methods in that return types with arguments of type StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionit.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap
<Stat<?>> ClientboundAwardStatsPacket.stats()
Returns the value of thestats
record component.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type StatModifierConstructorDescriptionClientboundAwardStatsPacket
(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Stat<?>> stats) Creates an instance of aClientboundAwardStatsPacket
record class. -
Uses of Stat in net.minecraft.server.level
Methods in net.minecraft.server.level with parameters of type Stat -
Uses of Stat in net.minecraft.stats
Fields in net.minecraft.stats with type parameters of type StatModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionServerStatsCounter.dirty
protected final it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap
<Stat<?>> StatsCounter.stats
static final StreamCodec
<RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, Stat<?>> Stat.STREAM_CODEC
private final StreamCodec
<RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, Stat<T>> StatType.streamCodec
Methods in net.minecraft.stats that return StatMethods in net.minecraft.stats that return types with arguments of type StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionServerStatsCounter.getDirty()
Methods in net.minecraft.stats with parameters of type Stat -
Uses of Stat in
Methods in with parameters of type Stat -
Uses of Stat in
Methods in that return StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Stat
<ResourceLocation> ChestBlock.getOpenChestStat()
protected Stat
<ResourceLocation> TrappedChestBlock.getOpenChestStat()
Uses of Stat in net.neoforged.neoforge.common.util
Methods in net.neoforged.neoforge.common.util with parameters of type Stat -
Uses of Stat in net.neoforged.neoforge.event
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.event declared as StatMethods in net.neoforged.neoforge.event that return StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStat
<?> StatAwardEvent.getStat()
Returns theStat
being awarded.Methods in net.neoforged.neoforge.event with parameters of type StatModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic StatAwardEvent
(Player player, Stat<?> stat, int value) void
Replaces theStat
to be awardedConstructors in net.neoforged.neoforge.event with parameters of type Stat