Class LivingEntity

    • Field Detail


        private static final java.util.UUID SPEED_MODIFIER_SPRINTING_UUID

        private static final java.util.UUID SPEED_MODIFIER_SOUL_SPEED_UUID

        private static final java.util.UUID SLOW_FALLING_ID

        private static final AttributeModifier SPEED_MODIFIER_SPRINTING

        protected static final DataParameter<java.lang.Byte> DATA_LIVING_ENTITY_FLAGS

        private static final DataParameter<java.lang.Float> DATA_HEALTH_ID

        private static final DataParameter<java.lang.Integer> DATA_EFFECT_COLOR_ID

        private static final DataParameter<java.lang.Boolean> DATA_EFFECT_AMBIENCE_ID

        private static final DataParameter<java.lang.Integer> DATA_ARROW_COUNT_ID

        private static final DataParameter<java.lang.Integer> DATA_STINGER_COUNT_ID

        protected static final EntitySize SLEEPING_DIMENSIONS
      • swinging

        public boolean swinging
      • swingingArm

        public Hand swingingArm
      • swingTime

        public int swingTime
      • removeArrowTime

        public int removeArrowTime
      • removeStingerTime

        public int removeStingerTime
      • hurtTime

        public int hurtTime
      • hurtDuration

        public int hurtDuration
      • hurtDir

        public float hurtDir
      • deathTime

        public int deathTime
      • oAttackAnim

        public float oAttackAnim
      • attackAnim

        public float attackAnim
      • attackStrengthTicker

        protected int attackStrengthTicker
      • animationSpeedOld

        public float animationSpeedOld
      • animationSpeed

        public float animationSpeed
      • animationPosition

        public float animationPosition
      • timeOffs

        public final float timeOffs
      • rotA

        public final float rotA
      • yBodyRot

        public float yBodyRot
      • yBodyRotO

        public float yBodyRotO
      • yHeadRot

        public float yHeadRot
      • yHeadRotO

        public float yHeadRotO
      • flyingSpeed

        public float flyingSpeed
      • lastHurtByPlayer

        protected PlayerEntity lastHurtByPlayer
      • lastHurtByPlayerTime

        protected int lastHurtByPlayerTime
      • dead

        protected boolean dead
      • noActionTime

        protected int noActionTime
      • oRun

        protected float oRun
      • run

        protected float run
      • animStep

        protected float animStep
      • animStepO

        protected float animStepO
      • rotOffs

        protected float rotOffs
      • deathScore

        protected int deathScore
      • lastHurt

        protected float lastHurt
      • jumping

        protected boolean jumping
      • xxa

        public float xxa
      • yya

        public float yya
      • zza

        public float zza
      • lerpSteps

        protected int lerpSteps
      • lerpX

        protected double lerpX
      • lerpY

        protected double lerpY
      • lerpZ

        protected double lerpZ
      • lerpYRot

        protected double lerpYRot
      • lerpXRot

        protected double lerpXRot
      • lyHeadRot

        protected double lyHeadRot
      • lerpHeadSteps

        protected int lerpHeadSteps
      • effectsDirty

        private boolean effectsDirty
      • lastHurtByMob

        private LivingEntity lastHurtByMob
      • lastHurtByMobTimestamp

        private int lastHurtByMobTimestamp
      • lastHurtMobTimestamp

        private int lastHurtMobTimestamp
      • speed

        private float speed
      • noJumpDelay

        private int noJumpDelay
      • absorptionAmount

        private float absorptionAmount
      • useItemRemaining

        protected int useItemRemaining
      • fallFlyTicks

        protected int fallFlyTicks
      • lastClimbablePos

        private java.util.Optional<BlockPos> lastClimbablePos
      • lastDamageStamp

        private long lastDamageStamp
      • autoSpinAttackTicks

        protected int autoSpinAttackTicks
      • swimAmount

        private float swimAmount
      • swimAmountO

        private float swimAmountO
      • brain

        protected Brain<?> brain
    • Method Detail

      • getBrain

        public Brain<?> getBrain()
      • makeBrain

        protected Brain<?> makeBrain​(com.mojang.serialization.Dynamic<?> p_213364_1_)
      • kill

        public void kill()
        kill in class Entity
      • canAttackType

        public boolean canAttackType​(EntityType<?> p_213358_1_)
      • canBreatheUnderwater

        public boolean canBreatheUnderwater()
      • getSwimAmount

        public float getSwimAmount​(float p_205015_1_)
      • baseTick

        public void baseTick()
        baseTick in class Entity
      • canSpawnSoulSpeedParticle

        public boolean canSpawnSoulSpeedParticle()
      • spawnSoulSpeedParticle

        protected void spawnSoulSpeedParticle()
      • onSoulSpeedBlock

        protected boolean onSoulSpeedBlock()
      • shouldRemoveSoulSpeed

        protected boolean shouldRemoveSoulSpeed​(BlockState p_230295_1_)
      • removeSoulSpeed

        protected void removeSoulSpeed()
      • tryAddSoulSpeed

        protected void tryAddSoulSpeed()
      • onChangedBlock

        protected void onChangedBlock​(BlockPos p_184594_1_)
      • isBaby

        public boolean isBaby()
      • getScale

        public float getScale()
      • isAffectedByFluids

        protected boolean isAffectedByFluids()
      • tickDeath

        protected void tickDeath()
      • shouldDropExperience

        protected boolean shouldDropExperience()
      • shouldDropLoot

        protected boolean shouldDropLoot()
      • decreaseAirSupply

        protected int decreaseAirSupply​(int p_70682_1_)
      • increaseAirSupply

        protected int increaseAirSupply​(int p_207300_1_)
      • getExperienceReward

        protected int getExperienceReward​(PlayerEntity p_70693_1_)
      • isAlwaysExperienceDropper

        protected boolean isAlwaysExperienceDropper()
      • getRandom

        public java.util.Random getRandom()
      • getLastHurtByMob

        public LivingEntity getLastHurtByMob()
      • getLastHurtByMobTimestamp

        public int getLastHurtByMobTimestamp()
      • setLastHurtByPlayer

        public void setLastHurtByPlayer​(@Nullable
                                        PlayerEntity p_230246_1_)
      • setLastHurtByMob

        public void setLastHurtByMob​(@Nullable
                                     LivingEntity p_70604_1_)
      • getLastHurtMob

        public LivingEntity getLastHurtMob()
      • getLastHurtMobTimestamp

        public int getLastHurtMobTimestamp()
      • setLastHurtMob

        public void setLastHurtMob​(Entity p_130011_1_)
      • getNoActionTime

        public int getNoActionTime()
      • setNoActionTime

        public void setNoActionTime​(int p_213332_1_)
      • playEquipSound

        protected void playEquipSound​(ItemStack p_184606_1_)
      • tickEffects

        protected void tickEffects()
      • updateInvisibilityStatus

        protected void updateInvisibilityStatus()
      • getVisibilityPercent

        public double getVisibilityPercent​(@Nullable
                                           Entity p_213340_1_)
      • canAttack

        public boolean canAttack​(LivingEntity p_213336_1_)
      • areAllEffectsAmbient

        public static boolean areAllEffectsAmbient​(java.util.Collection<EffectInstance> p_184593_0_)
      • removeEffectParticles

        protected void removeEffectParticles()
      • removeAllEffects

        public boolean removeAllEffects()
      • getActiveEffects

        public java.util.Collection<EffectInstance> getActiveEffects()
      • hasEffect

        public boolean hasEffect​(Effect p_70644_1_)
      • addEffect

        public boolean addEffect​(EffectInstance p_195064_1_)
      • canBeAffected

        public boolean canBeAffected​(EffectInstance p_70687_1_)
      • forceAddEffect

        public void forceAddEffect​(EffectInstance p_233646_1_)
      • isInvertedHealAndHarm

        public boolean isInvertedHealAndHarm()
      • removeEffectNoUpdate

        public EffectInstance removeEffectNoUpdate​(@Nullable
                                                   Effect p_184596_1_)
      • removeEffect

        public boolean removeEffect​(Effect p_195063_1_)
      • onEffectAdded

        protected void onEffectAdded​(EffectInstance p_70670_1_)
      • onEffectUpdated

        protected void onEffectUpdated​(EffectInstance p_70695_1_,
                                       boolean p_70695_2_)
      • onEffectRemoved

        protected void onEffectRemoved​(EffectInstance p_70688_1_)
      • heal

        public void heal​(float p_70691_1_)
      • getHealth

        public float getHealth()
      • setHealth

        public void setHealth​(float p_70606_1_)
      • isDeadOrDying

        public boolean isDeadOrDying()
      • hurt

        public boolean hurt​(DamageSource p_70097_1_,
                            float p_70097_2_)
        hurt in class Entity
      • blockUsingShield

        protected void blockUsingShield​(LivingEntity p_190629_1_)
      • blockedByShield

        protected void blockedByShield​(LivingEntity p_213371_1_)
      • checkTotemDeathProtection

        private boolean checkTotemDeathProtection​(DamageSource p_190628_1_)
      • getLastDamageSource

        public DamageSource getLastDamageSource()
      • playHurtSound

        protected void playHurtSound​(DamageSource p_184581_1_)
      • isDamageSourceBlocked

        private boolean isDamageSourceBlocked​(DamageSource p_184583_1_)
      • breakItem

        private void breakItem​(ItemStack p_70669_1_)
      • createWitherRose

        protected void createWitherRose​(@Nullable
                                        LivingEntity p_226298_1_)
      • dropAllDeathLoot

        protected void dropAllDeathLoot​(DamageSource p_213345_1_)
      • dropEquipment

        protected void dropEquipment()
      • dropExperience

        protected void dropExperience()
      • dropCustomDeathLoot

        protected void dropCustomDeathLoot​(DamageSource p_213333_1_,
                                           int p_213333_2_,
                                           boolean p_213333_3_)
      • dropFromLootTable

        protected void dropFromLootTable​(DamageSource p_213354_1_,
                                         boolean p_213354_2_)
      • knockback

        public void knockback​(float p_233627_1_,
                              double p_233627_2_,
                              double p_233627_4_)
      • getDeathSound

        protected SoundEvent getDeathSound()
      • getFallDamageSound

        protected SoundEvent getFallDamageSound​(int p_184588_1_)
      • setOnGround

        public void setOnGround​(boolean p_230245_1_)
        setOnGround in class Entity
      • getLastClimbablePos

        public java.util.Optional<BlockPos> getLastClimbablePos()
      • onClimbable

        public boolean onClimbable()
      • getFeetBlockState

        public BlockState getFeetBlockState()
      • trapdoorUsableAsLadder

        private boolean trapdoorUsableAsLadder​(BlockPos p_184604_1_,
                                               BlockState p_184604_2_)
      • isAlive

        public boolean isAlive()
        isAlive in class Entity
      • causeFallDamage

        public boolean causeFallDamage​(float p_225503_1_,
                                       float p_225503_2_)
        causeFallDamage in class Entity
      • calculateFallDamage

        protected int calculateFallDamage​(float p_225508_1_,
                                          float p_225508_2_)
      • playBlockFallSound

        protected void playBlockFallSound()
      • getArmorValue

        public int getArmorValue()
      • hurtArmor

        protected void hurtArmor​(DamageSource p_230294_1_,
                                 float p_230294_2_)
      • hurtCurrentlyUsedShield

        protected void hurtCurrentlyUsedShield​(float p_184590_1_)
      • getDamageAfterArmorAbsorb

        protected float getDamageAfterArmorAbsorb​(DamageSource p_70655_1_,
                                                  float p_70655_2_)
      • getDamageAfterMagicAbsorb

        protected float getDamageAfterMagicAbsorb​(DamageSource p_70672_1_,
                                                  float p_70672_2_)
      • actuallyHurt

        protected void actuallyHurt​(DamageSource p_70665_1_,
                                    float p_70665_2_)
      • getKillCredit

        public LivingEntity getKillCredit()
      • getMaxHealth

        public final float getMaxHealth()
      • getArrowCount

        public final int getArrowCount()
      • setArrowCount

        public final void setArrowCount​(int p_85034_1_)
      • getStingerCount

        public final int getStingerCount()
      • setStingerCount

        public final void setStingerCount​(int p_226300_1_)
      • getCurrentSwingDuration

        private int getCurrentSwingDuration()
      • swing

        public void swing​(Hand p_184609_1_)
      • swing

        public void swing​(Hand p_226292_1_,
                          boolean p_226292_2_)
      • handleEntityEvent

        public void handleEntityEvent​(byte p_70103_1_)
        handleEntityEvent in class Entity
      • swapHandItems

        private void swapHandItems()
      • outOfWorld

        protected void outOfWorld()
        outOfWorld in class Entity
      • updateSwingTime

        protected void updateSwingTime()
      • getAttributeValue

        public double getAttributeValue​(Attribute p_233637_1_)
      • getAttributeBaseValue

        public double getAttributeBaseValue​(Attribute p_233638_1_)
      • getMainHandItem

        public ItemStack getMainHandItem()
      • getOffhandItem

        public ItemStack getOffhandItem()
      • isHolding

        public boolean isHolding​(Item p_233631_1_)
      • isHolding

        public boolean isHolding​(java.util.function.Predicate<Item> p_233634_1_)
      • getItemInHand

        public ItemStack getItemInHand​(Hand p_184586_1_)
      • setItemInHand

        public void setItemInHand​(Hand p_184611_1_,
                                  ItemStack p_184611_2_)
      • getArmorCoverPercentage

        public float getArmorCoverPercentage()
      • setSprinting

        public void setSprinting​(boolean p_70031_1_)
        setSprinting in class Entity
      • getSoundVolume

        protected float getSoundVolume()
      • getVoicePitch

        protected float getVoicePitch()
      • isImmobile

        protected boolean isImmobile()
      • push

        public void push​(Entity p_70108_1_)
        push in class Entity
      • dismountVehicle

        private void dismountVehicle​(Entity p_233628_1_)
      • getJumpPower

        protected float getJumpPower()
      • jumpFromGround

        protected void jumpFromGround()
      • goDownInWater

        protected void goDownInWater()
      • jumpInLiquid

        protected void jumpInLiquid​(ITag<Fluid> p_180466_1_)
      • getWaterSlowDown

        protected float getWaterSlowDown()
      • canStandOnFluid

        public boolean canStandOnFluid​(Fluid p_230285_1_)
      • travel

        public void travel​(Vector3d p_213352_1_)
      • calculateEntityAnimation

        public void calculateEntityAnimation​(LivingEntity p_233629_1_,
                                             boolean p_233629_2_)
      • handleRelativeFrictionAndCalculateMovement

        public Vector3d handleRelativeFrictionAndCalculateMovement​(Vector3d p_233633_1_,
                                                                   float p_233633_2_)
      • getFluidFallingAdjustedMovement

        public Vector3d getFluidFallingAdjustedMovement​(double p_233626_1_,
                                                        boolean p_233626_3_,
                                                        Vector3d p_233626_4_)
      • handleOnClimbable

        private Vector3d handleOnClimbable​(Vector3d p_213362_1_)
      • getFrictionInfluencedSpeed

        private float getFrictionInfluencedSpeed​(float p_213335_1_)
      • getSpeed

        public float getSpeed()
      • setSpeed

        public void setSpeed​(float p_70659_1_)
      • doHurtTarget

        public boolean doHurtTarget​(Entity p_70652_1_)
      • tick

        public void tick()
        tick in class Entity
      • detectEquipmentUpdates

        private void detectEquipmentUpdates()
      • tickHeadTurn

        protected float tickHeadTurn​(float p_110146_1_,
                                     float p_110146_2_)
      • aiStep

        public void aiStep()
      • isSensitiveToWater

        public boolean isSensitiveToWater()
      • updateFallFlying

        private void updateFallFlying()
      • serverAiStep

        protected void serverAiStep()
      • pushEntities

        protected void pushEntities()
      • doPush

        protected void doPush​(Entity p_82167_1_)
      • doAutoAttackOnTouch

        protected void doAutoAttackOnTouch​(LivingEntity p_204804_1_)
      • startAutoSpinAttack

        public void startAutoSpinAttack​(int p_204803_1_)
      • isAutoSpinAttack

        public boolean isAutoSpinAttack()
      • rideTick

        public void rideTick()
        rideTick in class Entity
      • lerpTo

        public void lerpTo​(double p_180426_1_,
                           double p_180426_3_,
                           double p_180426_5_,
                           float p_180426_7_,
                           float p_180426_8_,
                           int p_180426_9_,
                           boolean p_180426_10_)
        lerpTo in class Entity
      • lerpHeadTo

        public void lerpHeadTo​(float p_208000_1_,
                               int p_208000_2_)
        lerpHeadTo in class Entity
      • setJumping

        public void setJumping​(boolean p_70637_1_)
      • onItemPickup

        public void onItemPickup​(ItemEntity p_233630_1_)
      • take

        public void take​(Entity p_71001_1_,
                         int p_71001_2_)
      • canSee

        public boolean canSee​(Entity p_70685_1_)
      • getViewYRot

        public float getViewYRot​(float p_195046_1_)
        getViewYRot in class Entity
      • getAttackAnim

        public float getAttackAnim​(float p_70678_1_)
      • isEffectiveAi

        public boolean isEffectiveAi()
      • isPickable

        public boolean isPickable()
        isPickable in class Entity
      • isPushable

        public boolean isPushable()
        isPushable in class Entity
      • markHurt

        protected void markHurt()
        markHurt in class Entity
      • setYHeadRot

        public void setYHeadRot​(float p_70034_1_)
        setYHeadRot in class Entity
      • setYBodyRot

        public void setYBodyRot​(float p_181013_1_)
        setYBodyRot in class Entity
      • resetForwardDirectionOfRelativePortalPosition

        public static Vector3d resetForwardDirectionOfRelativePortalPosition​(Vector3d p_242288_0_)
      • getAbsorptionAmount

        public float getAbsorptionAmount()
      • setAbsorptionAmount

        public void setAbsorptionAmount​(float p_110149_1_)
      • onEnterCombat

        public void onEnterCombat()
      • onLeaveCombat

        public void onLeaveCombat()
      • updateEffectVisibility

        protected void updateEffectVisibility()
      • getMainArm

        public abstract HandSide getMainArm()
      • isUsingItem

        public boolean isUsingItem()
      • getUsedItemHand

        public Hand getUsedItemHand()
      • updatingUsingItem

        private void updatingUsingItem()
      • shouldTriggerItemUseEffects

        private boolean shouldTriggerItemUseEffects()
      • updateSwimAmount

        private void updateSwimAmount()
      • setLivingEntityFlag

        protected void setLivingEntityFlag​(int p_204802_1_,
                                           boolean p_204802_2_)
      • startUsingItem

        public void startUsingItem​(Hand p_184598_1_)
      • triggerItemUseEffects

        protected void triggerItemUseEffects​(ItemStack p_226293_1_,
                                             int p_226293_2_)
      • spawnItemParticles

        private void spawnItemParticles​(ItemStack p_195062_1_,
                                        int p_195062_2_)
      • completeUsingItem

        protected void completeUsingItem()
      • getUseItemRemainingTicks

        public int getUseItemRemainingTicks()
      • getTicksUsingItem

        public int getTicksUsingItem()
      • releaseUsingItem

        public void releaseUsingItem()
      • stopUsingItem

        public void stopUsingItem()
      • isBlocking

        public boolean isBlocking()
      • isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder

        public boolean isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder()
      • isFallFlying

        public boolean isFallFlying()
      • getFallFlyingTicks

        public int getFallFlyingTicks()
      • randomTeleport

        public boolean randomTeleport​(double p_213373_1_,
                                      double p_213373_3_,
                                      double p_213373_5_,
                                      boolean p_213373_7_)
      • isAffectedByPotions

        public boolean isAffectedByPotions()
      • attackable

        public boolean attackable()
      • setRecordPlayingNearby

        public void setRecordPlayingNearby​(BlockPos p_191987_1_,
                                           boolean p_191987_2_)
      • canTakeItem

        public boolean canTakeItem​(ItemStack p_213365_1_)
      • getDismountPoses

        public<Pose> getDismountPoses()
      • getLocalBoundsForPose

        public AxisAlignedBB getLocalBoundsForPose​(Pose p_233648_1_)
      • getSleepingPos

        public java.util.Optional<BlockPos> getSleepingPos()
      • setSleepingPos

        public void setSleepingPos​(BlockPos p_213369_1_)
      • clearSleepingPos

        public void clearSleepingPos()
      • isSleeping

        public boolean isSleeping()
      • startSleeping

        public void startSleeping​(BlockPos p_213342_1_)
      • setPosToBed

        private void setPosToBed​(BlockPos p_213370_1_)
      • checkBedExists

        private boolean checkBedExists()
      • stopSleeping

        public void stopSleeping()
      • getBedOrientation

        public Direction getBedOrientation()
      • isInWall

        public boolean isInWall()
        isInWall in class Entity
      • getStandingEyeHeight

        protected float getStandingEyeHeight​(Pose p_213348_1_,
                                             EntitySize p_213348_2_)
      • entityEventForEquipmentBreak

        private static byte entityEventForEquipmentBreak​(EquipmentSlotType p_213350_0_)
      • broadcastBreakEvent

        public void broadcastBreakEvent​(EquipmentSlotType p_213361_1_)
      • broadcastBreakEvent

        public void broadcastBreakEvent​(Hand p_213334_1_)
      • curePotionEffects

        public boolean curePotionEffects​(ItemStack curativeItem)
        Removes all potion effects that have curativeItem as a curative item for its effect
        curativeItem - The itemstack we are using to cure potion effects
      • shouldRiderFaceForward

        public boolean shouldRiderFaceForward​(PlayerEntity player)
        Returns true if the entity's rider (EntityPlayer) should face forward when mounted. currently only used in vanilla code by pigs.
        player - The player who is riding the entity.
        If the player should orient the same direction as this entity.
      • getCapability

        public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability​(Capability<T> capability,
                                                 Direction facing)
        Description copied from interface: ICapabilityProvider
        Retrieves the Optional handler for the capability requested on the specific side. The return value CAN be the same for multiple faces. Modders are encouraged to cache this value, using the listener capabilities of the Optional to be notified if the requested capability get lost.
        Specified by:
        getCapability in interface ICapabilityProvider
        getCapability in class CapabilityProvider<Entity>
        The requested an optional holding the requested capability.