Class PotionColorCalculationEvent

  • public class PotionColorCalculationEvent
    extends LivingEvent
    Fires after Potion Color Calculation. this event is not Cancelable This event is fired on the MinecraftForge#EVENT_BUS.
    • Field Detail

      • color

        private int color
      • hideParticle

        private boolean hideParticle
      • effectList

        private final java.util.Collection<EffectInstance> effectList
    • Constructor Detail

      • PotionColorCalculationEvent

        public PotionColorCalculationEvent​(LivingEntity entity,
                                           int color,
                                           boolean hideParticle,
                                           java.util.Collection<EffectInstance> effectList)
    • Method Detail

      • getColor

        public int getColor()
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int color)
      • areParticlesHidden

        public boolean areParticlesHidden()
      • shouldHideParticles

        public void shouldHideParticles​(boolean hideParticle)
      • getEffects

        public java.util.Collection<EffectInstance> getEffects()
        Note that returned list is unmodifiable.