AddReloadListenerEvent |
The main ResourceManager is recreated on each reload, through DataPackRegistries 's creation.
AddReloadListenerEvent.WrappedStateAwareListener |
AnvilUpdateEvent |
AnvilUpdateEvent is fired when the inputs (either input stack, or the name) to an anvil are changed.
AttachCapabilitiesEvent<T> |
Fired whenever an object with Capabilities support {currently TileEntity/Item/Entity)
is created.
CommandEvent |
CommandEvent is fired after a command is parsed, but before it is executed.
DifficultyChangeEvent |
DifficultyChangeEvent is fired when difficulty is changing.
ForgeEventFactory |
ItemAttributeModifierEvent |
This event is fired when the attributes for an ItemStack are being calculated.
LootTableLoadEvent |
Event fired when a LootTable json is loaded from json.
OnDatapackSyncEvent |
Fires when a player joins the server or when the reload command is ran,
before tags and crafting recipes are sent to the client.
RegisterCommandsEvent |
RegistryEvent<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>> |
RegistryEvent supertype.
RegistryEvent.MissingMappings<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>> |
RegistryEvent.MissingMappings.Mapping<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>> |
RegistryEvent.NewRegistry |
Register new registries when you receive this event, through the RecipeBuilder
RegistryEvent.Register<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>> |
Register your objects for the appropriate registry type when you receive this event.
ServerChatEvent |
ServerChatEvent is fired whenever a C01PacketChatMessage is processed.
TagsUpdatedEvent |
Fired on the client when ITagCollectionSupplier has all of its tags synced from the server to the client (just after a client has connected).
TagsUpdatedEvent.CustomTagTypes |
Fired after any custom tag types have been processed
TagsUpdatedEvent.VanillaTagTypes |
Fired after the Vanilla Tag types have been processed
TickEvent |
TickEvent.ClientTickEvent |
TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent |
TickEvent.RenderTickEvent |
TickEvent.ServerTickEvent |
TickEvent.WorldTickEvent |