Class PotionEvent.PotionRemoveEvent

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class PotionEvent.PotionRemoveEvent
    extends PotionEvent
    This Event is fired when a Potion is about to get removed from an Entity. This Event is Cancelable. This Event does not have a result.
    • Field Detail

      • potion

        private final Effect potion
    • Method Detail

      • getPotion

        public Effect getPotion()
        the Potion which is tried to remove from the Entity.
      • getPotionEffect

        public EffectInstance getPotionEffect()
        Description copied from class: PotionEvent
        Retuns the PotionEffect.
        getPotionEffect in class PotionEvent
        the PotionEffect. In the remove event this can be null if the Entity does not have a Potion of the right type active.